Why a Snake Has No Legs?

You may sometimes wonder why snakes have no legs. Here is why: Long ago, before humans ruled the Earth, the animals lived on the Earth, in a giant forest. One day, Monkey, who is usually the boss of everything, said, “I’m sick of the rain always falling on us. We need some shelter. We should…

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Strange Habits of Great People

Habits are formed when a person does something very frequently, initially knowingly, and later unknowingly. It is not necessary that all our habits are healthy, logical and purposeful. Sometimes, the habits tend to be very odd and strange.  This is true also of great people, let alone the ordinary ones. The ancient Greek statesman Demosthenes…

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The Benefits of Walking

Walking is a great way to improve or maintain your overall health. Just 30 minutes every day can increase cardiovascular fitness, strengthen bones, reduce excess body fat, and boost muscle power and endurance. It can also reduce your risk of developing conditions such as heart disease, diabetes and even cancers. Unlike some other forms of…

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The Amazing Baya Birds

Perhaps you have seen birds making their nests. When the birds start collecting dry tuft or straw, you can imagine they will build a new home. Soon they will have young, lovely kids in them. The nests of birds are not just homes. They are wonderful pieces of art. Of all the birds, the weaver…

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The Discovery of Fire

Fire! It warms us, mystifies us, delights us, and sometimes terrifies us. One thing is for sure: it would be hard to imagine a life without fire.   On cold nights, fire keeps us warm and helps us survive. Without fire, it would be impossible to cook the foods we love to eat. Sitting around…

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The Origin of Potato

Boiled potato, roasted potato, fried potato, cooked potato, finger chips, potato chips, spiced potato salad, potato paratha, potato with cumin, potato chilly…and the list goes on and on! Potato is such a versatile vegetable. I can be made into so many different things. Potato is cooked either singly, or with other vegetables, or with eggs…

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Giordano Bruno: The Forgotten Philosopher

Science did not come to us easily. Many have had to pass through hard times to bring science to the present state. There have been some, who even sacrificed their lives. Giordano Bruno was one of them, but few remember his great martyrdom today. Therefore, some scholars call him ‘the forgotten philosopher.’ Bruno was born…

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